Spider Bites
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
There are more than 29,000 known species of spiders. There are many spiders in the United States that are poisonous, but many of those have fangs that are too short to cause any damage. The Tarantula is the world’s largest spider and lives as far north as the southwestern U.S. But its bite is no more dangerous to a human than the sting of a bee or wasp. Most bites of spiders will cause minor reactions and they are excellent at insect control. The two spiders that are extremely dangerous are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse.
The Black Widow Spider is the most dangerous spider in the U.S.A. It is a small black button-shaped spider with a red hourglass mark on the underside of the main body segment. Only the female Black Widow Spider is dangerous to man and death usually results from complications, not from the actual bite.
The venom of the Black Widow spider, drop for drop, is more potent than the poison for a rattlesnake, copperhead, or cotton mouth yet each spider bite injects only an extremely small amount of venom. The bites of this spider will release a toxin that can cause damage to the nervous system. Four out of every 100 people bitten by a Black Widow die due to anaphylactic shock.
Some of the symptoms include:
The Brown Recluse Spider, also known as the violin spider, is about 3/8-inch long, with a dark, violin shaped mark on its upper back near the head. It prefers to hide in dark places in the house like basements, closets, and attics. Contrary to belief, this spider is not aggressive but will usually attack if trapped or held against the skin.
It spins a sticky, irregular web, with threads running in all directions. It can live for days without food or water and is found all over the U.S. The venom of a bite from the Brown Recluse spider causes the flesh to decay and can require extensive treatment but death from a Brown Recluse is extremely rare.
Some of the symptoms include:
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
There are more than 29,000 known species of spiders. There are many spiders in the United States that are poisonous, but many of those have fangs that are too short to cause any damage. The Tarantula is the world’s largest spider and lives as far north as the southwestern U.S. But its bite is no more dangerous to a human than the sting of a bee or wasp. Most bites of spiders will cause minor reactions and they are excellent at insect control. The two spiders that are extremely dangerous are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse.
The Black Widow Spider is the most dangerous spider in the U.S.A. It is a small black button-shaped spider with a red hourglass mark on the underside of the main body segment. Only the female Black Widow Spider is dangerous to man and death usually results from complications, not from the actual bite.
The venom of the Black Widow spider, drop for drop, is more potent than the poison for a rattlesnake, copperhead, or cotton mouth yet each spider bite injects only an extremely small amount of venom. The bites of this spider will release a toxin that can cause damage to the nervous system. Four out of every 100 people bitten by a Black Widow die due to anaphylactic shock.
Some of the symptoms include:
- Immediate pain, burning, swelling, rash, itching, or redness, and maybe fang marks.
- Cramping pain and muscle rigidity in the stomach, chest, shoulders, and back.
- Cold sweats, difficulty in breathing.
- Headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
- Restlessness, anxiety, weakness, tremors, or paralysis, especially in the legs.
- Salivation or tearing of the eyes.
The Brown Recluse Spider, also known as the violin spider, is about 3/8-inch long, with a dark, violin shaped mark on its upper back near the head. It prefers to hide in dark places in the house like basements, closets, and attics. Contrary to belief, this spider is not aggressive but will usually attack if trapped or held against the skin.
It spins a sticky, irregular web, with threads running in all directions. It can live for days without food or water and is found all over the U.S. The venom of a bite from the Brown Recluse spider causes the flesh to decay and can require extensive treatment but death from a Brown Recluse is extremely rare.
Some of the symptoms include:
- A burning, pain, itching, rash or redness
- A deep blue or purple area around the bite, surrounded by a whitish ring and large red outer ring like a “bulls eye”
- An ulcer or blister that turns black
- Fever, nausea, or vomiting
- Eventually, most of the tissue dies around the bite, leaving a deep sore that may take months to heal.
- Always contact a physician if it is a poisonous spider.
- Chew up and swallow 10 charcoal tablets with water. Crush some more tablets, make a paste, and place on the bite as a compress. Charcoal will powerfully draw out the poison if applied extremely fast.
- If there is swelling or pain after a poisonous spider bite, keep calm and apply a constricting band 2-4 inches above (not below) the bite. Loosen the band for 15 seconds every 10 minutes. Do not let the extremity turn blue! Do not move the affected area; keep it below the heart level, if possible. The victim should lie down. Pack ice around the wound.
- For a normal spider bite wash the area with soap and water.
- Apply Therapeutic Essential Oils directly on the bite. The oils contain hundreds of molecules that work together to kill viruses, bacteria, parasites, infections, and inflammation. They are very beneficial for healing all areas of the body.
- Applying a drop or two of the Shiaqga supplement two or three times a day has been reported to have wonderful results with bites from spiders, snakes, and insects. It also has been reported to heal wounds and skin cancers.